Vue is hands down, one of the best Javascript framework. Personally, my best choice. For today's blog post, I will list down all the people you should follow on Twitter to keep updated on the development of the framework.
1. Evan You
The creator of Vue himself. He is the core developer of the framework and he actively posts about the status on the development of the framework. Twitter account is @youyuxi.
2. Sarah Drasner
Another amazing core team member of Vue. She is the creator of the awesome CSS Grid Generator. Twitter account is @sarah_edo.
3. Sebastien Chopin
The creator of Nuxt.js. The guy behind the amazing Vue Framework - Nuxt.js. Give him a follow if you want to keep updated about Nuxt. Twitter account is @Atinux.
4. Guillaume Chau
Core member of the Vue development team. He is the guy behind the amazing tools like vue-apollo and vue-virtual-scroller. Twitter account is @Akryum.
5. Eduardo San Martin Morote
Core member of the Vue development team. The guy behind vuefire and vue-router. Twitter account is @posva.
6. Damian Dulisz
Core member of the Vue development team. His focus is on the Vue news platform Twitter account is @DamianDulisz.
7. Edd Yerburgh
Core team member of Vue.js. He is the guy behind the amazing testing tool for Vue vue-test-utils. Twitter account is @EddYerBurgh.
8. Chris Fritz
Vue core team member. He works on the official documentation of Vue. Twitter account is @chrisvfritz.
9. Gregg Pollack
Instructor at Vue Mastery, a learning platform for Vue.js. Twitter account is @greggpollack.
10. Alexandre Chopin
Co-author of Nuxt.js. Twitter account is @_achopin.
11. Filip Rakowski
One of the creators of VueStoreFront. Twitter account is @filrakowski.
12. Adam Wathan
Another amazing instructor. He is the creator of TailwindCSS. Twitter account is @adamwathan.
13. Maximilian Schwarzmüller
The guy behind Academind. An amazing web developer and instructor and has amazing courses about Vue. Twitter account is @maxedapps