Sharing my Go-to Podcasts

Cover image Photo by Jonathan Velasquez

They say podcasts are not only great for entertainment but also great for education, and I couldn't agree more. I listen to podcasts more often lately, and sure enough, there is a lot of great information out there, especially in the software development world. There are amazing conversations, stories, and helpful insights from the developers.

I love hearing different stories/opinions from software engineers I admire. From the technologies they use, the stack they use on their projects, or just tips and tricks. How they build this, how they do that. What software to use and whatnot. Their stories on successfully building a product, what the problems they usually encounter, what's hot and trending in the Javascript world, etc. Not to mention you get all this for free. All you need to have is a podcast app, search their podcast, and you're ready.

Today, I would like to share some of the podcasts that I listen to regularly. This list consists mostly about software, back-end, and front-end engineering.

  1. SyntaxFM
  2. FullstackRadio
  3. React Podcast
  4. Vue Official Podcast
  5. CodeNewbie
  6. Software Engineering Daily
  7. Views on Vue
  8. Laravel News Podcast
  9. CodeSwitch
  10. Breaking into Startups
  11. Android Central Podcast
  12. JS Party: Javascript and Web dev
  13. Shoptalk
  14. TED Talks Daily
  15. The Freecodecamp Podcast

If you want to stay updated on technologies, get inspired by the stories of successful developers, or want to optimize your time, listening to a podcast is beneficial not only to your career as a developer but also to your personal growth.

Happy Coding!


Deploy Plenti site on Netlify


Create a custom loading animation component in Nuxt.js with Lottie