Personal Coding Journal

Cover image

A personal Coding journal built with Gridsome and NetlifyCMS.

If you're looking for an easy to set up coding journal, maybe for your #100DaysOfCode, TIL blog, or just simply want to document what you learn on a day to day basis, try this template. Built using the fast Vue framework - Gridsome and NetlifyCMS.


  1. Clone the official repo
git clone
  1. Change directory to your project folder and install dependencies
npm install (npm)
yarn (yarn)
  1. Create a new repo on Github, (name it whatever you want)
  2. Initialize git and push code to Github

    To your project directory:

rm -rf .git // force remove git
git init // initialize git
git add .
git remote add origin <your-repo>
git push -u origin master

Leigh is a software developer based in the Philippines. He builds fast and cost efficient websites with JAMstack. He enjoys working with Vue.js, Nuxt and Gridsome. He is also a big fan of GraphQL.